In your ks.cfg - -
#get partition scripts / files
wget -P/tmp http://IPADDRESS/
sh /tmp/ >> /tmp/partition.log
#!/bin/bashGet that for some dodgy scripting!!! hehehe works though :P
#Made by Long Tom 2010
#Script resizes 160GB Windows disk to 80GB ntfs, 76GB linux & 4GB swap
#Procedure (tested manually)
##resize windoze partition
#ntfsresize -f -s 80G /dev/sda1 (works)
#Now fdisk - Delete sda1, recreate new NTFS at half size and toggle bootable
#parted can now use free space
##make a root linux partition
#parted mkpartfs primary ext2 start end
#partition remaining for swap
#parted mkpartfs primary linux-swap start end
##format the filesystems, installer can change to ext3 / 4 later on
########## Getting the numbers
#First need to get disk size(s)
dev=`fdisk -l | grep -m 1 Disk | grep bytes | awk '{print $2}'` #gives something like - Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
bytes=`fdisk -l | grep -m 1 Disk | grep bytes | awk '{print $5}'`
dev=${dev%:} #strip of : from end
#get RAM
mem=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal | awk '{print $2}'` #gives memory in kB
#echo "$memk"
let kbytes=$bytes/1000
echo "First disk drive $dev"
echo "Total size $kbytes kB"
echo "System memory $mem kB" #we'll use this as swap partition size
#so half size of disk -
let halfPartSize=$kbytes/2
echo "Windows partition will be $halfPartSize kB"
echo "Swap will be $mem kB"
echo "Linux will be whatever's left!"
dev1=$dev$one #gives /dev/sda1
let halfPartSizeK=$halfPartSize*1000 #ntfsresize needs kb
########## Resize windows partition
echo "Now running ntfsresize -f -s $halfPartSizeK $dev1"
ntfsresize -f -s $halfPartSizeK $dev1
########## Check to see if previously partitioned - if so skip fdisk +hope!!!
#if [`fdisk -l | grep sda2`
########## Make fdisk.commands file with fdisk scripting
echo "d" > /tmp/fdisk.commands #delete
echo "n" >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #new
echo "p" >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #pri
echo "1" >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #num
echo "1" >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #start
echo $halfPartSizeK >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #end
echo "t" >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #type
echo "7" >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #ntfs
echo "a" >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #boot
echo "1" >> /tmp/fdisk.commands
echo "n" >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #new
echo "p" >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #pri
echo "2" >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #num
echo "" >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #start
echo $linuxK >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #end
echo "n" >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #new
echo "p" >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #pri
echo "3" >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #num
#echo $swapStartK >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #start
echo "" >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #start
echo "" >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #end defaults fine here
echo "w" >> /tmp/fdisk.commands #write & quit
########## Now run fdisk
echo "Now running fdisk $dev"
fdisk $dev < /tmp/fdisk.commands
echo "Now running parted to format linux partitions"
parted -s $dev mkfs 3 ext2
parted -s $dev mkfs 2 linux-swap
exit 0
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